Our Services

Diabetic Eye

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be at risk of losing your vision since your body does not utilize sugar properly and, when the sugar levels rise, damage to the retinal blood vessels may occur. This injury to the retinal vessels is known as Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults. It is very important to manage your eye health care when you have diabetes, in order to lessen your risk of vision loss due to eye disease.

Dry Eye

Dry eye syndrome or dry eye disease is a condition that many Americans suffer from, yet very few people get treatment for it. Dry eye disease has many symptoms, including consistent eye redness, eyes watering or tearing up frequently, itchy, gritty feelings, and foreign body sensations. Our practice can help you diagnose your dry eye syndrome, and we can often help find and treat the root cause of your condition.


Glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in the United States, is an eye disease that can lead to a permanent loss of vision. We provide diagnostic and treatment options for glaucoma care. Glaucoma generally provides no warning signs or symptoms of disease, making testing an important part of a full vision exam. We utilize the latest and most advanced computerized tests to diagnose glaucoma. For those who require treatment options, there are many, including topical eye drop self-administration, laser treatment, which can be utilized for precise, quick healing, and more advanced surgical options, for those difficult and advanced cases of glaucoma. For our glaucoma patients, we offer Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT). This glaucoma laser procedure is painless, and if successful, can result in better control of glaucoma and reduction or elimination of expensive medications.


The retina is the nervous tissue at the back of the eye – the part that lights up sometimes and causes the “red eye” effect in photos sometimes. It is extremely important, as it contains specialized cells that interpret light and color, relaying those directly to the brain via the optic nerve. Trauma or diseases of the eye can cause the retina to become damaged or even detached. Any condition that affects the retina is a serious visual event, and should be treated immediately. If you start to notice a sudden onset of floaters (shadows caused by clumping vitreous) or flashes (sudden flashes of white light), then contact us immediately.

Eye Allergies

Eye allergies are common in Texas during certain times of the year, as you may well know. Sometimes standard allergy medications do well for clearing the sinuses, but many of them do not do much for the eyes. We can provide you with simple treatment options or medications to help alleviate any redness, itching, watering, tearing, or swelling that you may have from ocular allergies.

Vision Exams

Vision exams, annual or biannual, are essential to make you aware of subtle changes that you may not have noticed happening gradually over time. Regular vision exams can also make you aware of vision-threatening conditions that also have a dangerously slow onset, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration.